Educational Programming

18th Century Turning Points in U.S. History

When it airs: Overnight schedule  

Grades 7-12; Social Studies; Eight episodes
As the 18th Century dawned on the North American continent, four powers--- the French, the British, the Spanish, and the Native Americans--- were competing to see who would control this remarkable land. However, after half a century of almost continuous wars, a new entity emerged: The Americans. It would be the Americans, and not the other four powers, who would control what would become the United States.

Click on the program link to view the program clips online (View Details), and to see documents, maps, TGs, photo galleries, quizzes, etc. for each series (View Downloadable Documents.)

101. 1700-1713
102. 1714-1735
103. 1736-1750
104. 1750-1766
105. 1767-1776
106. 1776-1783
107. 1783-1790
108. 1791-1799

United States 1799
Land Won-Revolution War
Revolutionary Battles
Wilderness Road
Old Northwest Territory
Land Ceded
Louisiana Territory
Ohio River Basin
Land Won-Jenkins Ear War
French and Spanish Forts
Triangular Trade Routes
North American Territories
Original 13 British Colonies
British Territory

Washington's Farwell Address
US Constitution
Treaty of Utrecht
Treaty of Paris
The Stamp Act
The Sedition Act
The Land Ordinance of 1785
The Jay Treaty
The Bill of Rights
Pinckney Treaty
Molasses Act
Iron Act Arguments
Fugitive Slave Law of 1793
Excerpts from the Federalists Papers
Excerpts from Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
Alien Act