Youth Orchestra Concert with Midori - Sunday, June 15, 2008Midori, one of the world’s leading violinists, was in South Dakota in April in residency with the South Dakota Symphony in Sioux Falls. Her visit included concerts, classes and more and South Dakota Public Broadcasting was there to record this historic visit.

This 30-minute documentaryfocuses on the 5 days in April, 2008 that world-class violininst Midori spent in Sioux Falls in residence with the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra. Special funding for this project comes from the Nordby Family Foundation and Pepsi Cola of Huron. (Photo by Lois Greenfield) View the Documentary

Midori was born in Osaka, Japan in 1971. From a very early age, she wasattracted to the sound of the violin played by her mother. When Midori was four, her grandparents gave her a tiny violin of her own. Three years later, Midori gave her first public performance for an audiencein Osaka.

Since then she has released more than a dozen albums. She has traveled around the world to support music education in ventures like her residency with the South Dakota Symphony. (Photo by Jeff Miller)
Midori describing her violin