This Month's Books!
Here are some of Buddy’s favorite books.
He likes to read a lot and always finds out about new and interesting things
in the books he reads. Click on the titles to see the TV promo for each

"The Gardening Book"
Buddy says read the book The Gardening Book by Jane Bull and GET
GROWING! Learn how to choose plants and what they need to help them grow.
You can even learn how to make cool containers for the plants to grow in!
Don't with a Buddy and get growing!

"Ready, Set Grow!"
Buddy says read the book Ready, Set, Grow! A Kid's Guide to Gardening by
Rebecca Spohn. Do you know what magic bean sprouts, spider plants and
piggyback plants are? When you're done reading this book, you will! Put on
your gardening gloves and don't with a Buddy!

"Flower Garden"
Buddy says read the book Flower Garden by Eve Bunting. It's really fun
to have a garden outside but when you live in an apartment, you may need to
get creative. Learn all about what a window box is how mommy's birthday gift
became a gift for the whole neighborhood. Don't with a

Vegetable Soup"
Buddy says read the book Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert. Read all
about how fun it is to plant the seeds, water and weed and wait for the
vegetables to grow! All you have to do is hurry up and wait!! Is it soup
yet? Get out the soup bowl and read with a Buddy!
The images of the books used for the video segments are copyright protected. You cannot use the images of the books unless you have permission from the publisher of the book. The images of the books used for the videos coincided with 3 factors of section 107 of the copyright law. “Fair Use” determined by a.) The purpose of and character of use is for nonprofit educational purposes; b.) The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyright work as a whole; c.) The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work.