Education, web radio royalties & Robert Morast

Dakota Midday - 06/26/2007

As we ramp up to next year’s elections, chances are you’ve already heard the candidates talking about education, school funding and the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act. South Dakota Education association president Donna Dekraai will be meeting with key presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama next week but she’ll share some of her ideas with us on the program today. Also web radio broadcasters across the United States are holding a “day of silence” today to protest the government’s plans to boost royalty payments to artists and record companies by more than 300 percent when their music is played online. Ruth Seymour, general manager of NPR affiliate KCRW in Santa Monica will join us to talk about that. And we continue our weekly visit with Robert Morast, culture critic for the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.


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