Immigration & Caricature, Holocaust and Canaries pitcher

Dakota Midday - 05/31/2007

Between the Civil War and World War 1, nearly 30 million immigrants came to the United States, creating the most ethnically diverse nation in the world. During the post-Civil War era, cartoonists created exaggerated images of specific ethnic groups based on shared popular stereotypes. An exhibit called Immigration and Caricature has opened at the South Dakota State Historical Society in Pierre. Ronette Rumpca with the Historical Society tells us about the exhibit, how immigrants were historically portrayed and how values and common attitudes in America have changed over time. We’ll also talk to a man who immigrated to the United States after surviving years in a concentration camp. Phil Gans recently spent time speaking to high school students about the Holocaust. And we’ll check in once again with Sioux Falls Canaries pitcher Pat Mahomes who has a winning streak going.


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