Global warming in SD & Sgt. Pepper turns 40

Dakota Midday - 06/05/2007

If you think global warming hasn’t hit home in South Dakota, think again. Rising temperatures could cause parts of the state to dry up and if that happens the duck population will plummet. We’ll be joined today by Tony Dean, host and producer of the popular televison show “Tony Dean Outdoors.” Dean says global warming has serious implications for the region and he’ll share some ideas on how to fight global warming in our own backyard. Dr. Carter Johnson an ecologist at South Dakota State University will also be in on the discussion. And later Sioux Falls Argus Leader culture critic Robert Morast will be here to talk about the movie everyone is talking about this week, “Knocked Up,” as well as the influence of the Beatles’ “Sergeant Pepper” and what South Dakotans remember about the summer of love after forty years.


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