Guests: Marty Jackley, Patricia Fokken, Stu Whitney

Dakota Midday - 08/20/2009

On 8/20/09, South Dakota's new Attorney General Marty Jackley joins host Paul Guggenheimer for a discussion about how he'll approach his new job. Then Paul interviews Patricia Fokken, daughter of a Sioux Falls police officer who was at the scene of the John Dillinger gang's 1934 bank robbery in Sioux Falls. She says Dillinger was in the area but, according to her father, Dillinger did not show up at the bank. And finally, Paul speaks with Sioux Falls Argus-Leader Sports Editor Stu Whitney about Brett Favre joining the Minnesota Vikings. 


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Guests:  Marty Jackley, Patricia Fokken, Stu Whitn
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