Political Junkies, Frontline Producer Oriana Zill de Granados, Author of "The Peasant Prince" Alex Storozynski

Dakota Midday - 11/23/2009

On 11/23/09, Host Paul Guggenheimer visits with Regional Political Junkie Kevin Woster of the Rapid City Journal for his take on Saturday's Senate vote on health care reform, the smoke free law going to a vote and Palinpalooza coming to South Dakota. Then Paul talks with FRONTLINE producer Oriana Zill de Granados about tomorrow night's episode called "The Card Game" which looks at attempts to reform the way the credit card industry has done business for decades. And finally, Paul interviews Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Alex Storozynski, author of "The Peasant Prince," a new book about super patriot Thaddeus Kosciuszko.


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