Army Corps of Engineers, Rapid City Billboards, and the Dakota Political Junkies

Dakota Midday - 06/06/2011

Colonel Robert Ruch is with the Omaha Division of the Army Corps of Engineers, and Jody Farhat is the Chief of the Water Management Division with the Army Corps of Engineers. They discuss the increase in water flow out of the Oahe Dam to 150,000 cubic feet per second.

Brendan Casey is the owner of Epic Outdoor Advertising. He talks with Jim Peterson of Scenic Rapid City, a group seeking to limit the number of large and electronic billboards in town. Tomorrow, Rapid City is voting on whether to allow any new billboards within city limits.

Also, the Rapid City Journal's Kevin Woster and Jon Hunter of the Madison Daily Leader discuss how the governor is handling the flood, McGovern Day, and election day in Rapid City.


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