Dakota Political Junkies and World Refugee Day in Sioux Falls

Dakota Midday - 06/20/2011

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader's Jonathan Ellis and Kevin Woster of the Rapid City Journal are this week's Dakota Political Junkies. They discuss the added flow to the Missouri River at Pierre and Governor Dennis Daugaard's reaction, Attorney General Marty Jackley offering a legal opinion on cuts to extension services, and the removal of ethanol incentives.

Abdi Rashid is a Muslim leader in Sioux Falls and a refugee from Somalia. He highlights today's World Refugee Day observances in the Sioux Falls area.

Deb worth is the program coordinator for special projects at the Refugee and Immigration Center in Sioux Falls. She talks about providing resettlement services to refugees from Africa, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and the Caribbean.


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