Dakota Political Junkies, Bible Resolution and Heart Disease Prevention

Dakota Midday - 02/01/2012

Today's Dakota Midday, hosted by Chris Laughery, begins with a legislative update from SDPB's Stephanie Rissler.

The Dakota Political Junkies also discuss issues from the legislature.  Rapid City Journal columnist Kevin Woster and Sioux Falls Argus Leader reporter/news analyst Jonathan Ellis talk about anti-bullying legislation (SB 130) and efforts to change term limits in Pierre.  They also discuss fundraising efforts by Representative Kristi Noem and her Democratic challengers.

State Representative Steve Hickey is the main sponsor of HCR 1004 which encourages school districts to add instruction so students become familiar with content, characters and narratives of the Bible.  State Representative Susan Wismer voted against the resolution which has now passed in both legislative chambers.  Hickey and Wismer join today's show from the State Capitol in Pierre.

Governor Daugaard has proclaimed February as American Heart Month in South Dakota.  Chrissy Spoo of the South Dakota chapter of the American Heart Association talks facts and figures while Avera Food and Nutrition Director Joanne Shearer talks about diet and nutrition with respect to the prevention of heart disease.



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