Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor, Reporter Terry Vandrovec, Fire Manager Todd Pechota

Dakota Midday - 03/13/2012

Dakota Midday is hosted by Karl Gehrke in Vermillion, SD.


Eva Mozes Kor survived the Holocaust and became a forgiveness advocate and a revered public speaker. Eva was born in the tiny village of Portz, Romania, in 1934. In 1944, her family was loaded with other Jewish prisoners onto a cattle car and transported to the Auschwitz Nazi death camp. After a 70-hour ordeal without food or water, Eva and her family emerged from the packed cattle car onto the selection platform at Auschwitz. In the mass of people that poured out of the cattle car, Eva and Miriam gripped their mother's hands. Eva looked around and realized her father and two older sisters were gone. She never saw them again. While at Auschwitz, Eva and her twin sister Miriam were subjected to human experimentation under Dr. Josef Mengele.  They became part of a group of children who were used as human guinea pigs in genetic experiments. Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor will speak at Black Hills State University Thursday, March 15 at 3:30 p.m. in the Meier Recital Hall, as part of the Madeline A. Young Distinguished Speaker Series.


Terry Vandrovec covers SDSU athletics for the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. He talks about the men’s and women’s teams as the NCAA Tournaments get underway.


Todd Pechota is the Black Hills Fire Management Officer. He discusses the threat of fires this spring after the warm winter weather South Dakota experienced.


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