C-130 Crash, Patrick Dewane and Paul Doffing

Dakota Midday - 07/03/2012

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Carver of the North Carolina National Guard comments on the C-130 crash. Lt. Colonel Carver's office reports "casualties and injuries" from the crash.

Patrick Dewane joins Dakota Midday to talk about his one man show featuring at the Matthews Opera House in Spearfish called "The Accidental Hero." The multi-media performance tells the story of his grandfather, Lt. Colonel Matt Konop, the grandson of Czech grandparents who immigrated to Wisconsin. Konop grew up in a household where only Czech was spoken. Little did Konop know that as an adult he'd find himself in Czechoslovakia, liberating the very towns where his grandparents had lived.

Musician Paul Doffing talks about his "Freedom From Fuel Tour," a 5,000 mile tour on bicycle playing in venues from parks, clubs and churches in smaller towns in 30 cities. He is a Minneapolis singer and songwriter. The tour is to promote his music and to bring attention to his interest in energy conservation and alternative ways of living. He performs Friday at the Prairie Berry Winery, outside Hill City.

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