West Nile Virus, AARP South Dakota Tour and Norm Evers

Dakota Midday - 07/09/2012

State epidemiologist Lon Kightlinger talks about the West Nile virus. South Dakota has reported its first West Nile virus detections of the season - a positive mosquito pool in Brookings County and one in Brown County. In South Dakota, peak transmission of WNV is July through early September. South Dakota has reported 1,759 cases, including 26 deaths, since its first case in 2002. Personal precautions are especially important for those at high risk for WNV - people over 50, pregnant women, transplant patients, individuals with diabetes or high blood pressure, and those with a history of alcohol abuse.

Dennis Eisnach, volunteer state president for AARP South Dakota, and Ron Baumgart, director of River City Transit in Pierre, talk about the AARP South Dakota Tour. Seven members of the AARP National Council are touring South Dakota this week and exploring transportation challenges in rural areas. A survey was commissioned by AARP South Dakota earlier this year to learn more about the communities and experiences of those ages 50 or older residents living in small towns and rural areas on a variety of issues including transportation. The survey findings show South Dakotans age 50 or older living in small towns and rural areas indicate support for the state increasing funding for public transportation services to small towns or rural areas as well as for alternative transportation services for those unable to drive. To learn firsthand about these challenges, members of the AARP National Policy Council (NPC) which serves as advisors to the all-volunteer AARP Board of Directors will visit several communities in South Dakota, including two Native American reservations.

Norm Evers, owner of Norm's Greenhouse and Nursery in Aurora, discusses the impact the recent run of hot weather has had on gardens and lawns. Evers is Instructor Emeritus of Horticulture at South Dakota State University.

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