2005 Results  Click here to watch 2005 Dakota Kids Stories

Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade

1st  Place
 Let's Go to Outer Space
by Aubury Orr, Aberdeen

2nd Place
The Day George Got Lost
by Caleb Van Sickle, Astoria

3rd Place
 The Easter Bunny Visits
 by Angel Kleis, Salem


1st Place
Molly and Sparkle Make a New Friend
 by Maria Berndt, White

2nd Place
Mathew Moose
by Joseph Kelly, Yankton

3rd Place
The Treehouse Surprise
by Trent Augspurger, Miller

1st Place
Counting in the Jungle
by Eden Orr, Aberdeen

2nd Place
Mystery Case No. 101
by Alexander Zell, Huron

3rd Place
Rule # 1
by Zachary Rogers,Rapid City

1st Place
Double Doggie Dog Day
 by Natasha Powell,Sioux Falls

2nd Place
The Ice Age
by Briana Davis, Monroe

3rd Place
Pancake in a Pocket
by Ellen Renz, Lennox
Dakota KidStories Author Places in National Contest
SDPB is proud to announce that Eden Orr, a second grader from Aberdeen and a first place winner of the state Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators Contest, has been awarded second place in the national competition! Eden's story "Counting in the Jungle" impressed judges enough to be honored among over 40,000 entries in the contest. As a place winner in the 11th annual contest, Eden's story will be posted on the PBSKIDS.org website and she'll receive a Reading Rainbow library set of ten DVD episodes with the episodes' featured books.

"Counting in the Jungle" uses animals and rhymes to help kids with counting. Eden plans to be a zookeeper and an artist, passions that are reflected in her story. Her brother Aubury was a first place winner in the Kindergarten division of the state contest this year and Eden placed first for first grade in last year's state contest. "I think this is a great contest because it gives them the opportunity to share their stories with other kids," said their mother, Rebecca. "This is a really fun way for them to get a project all the way from start to finish."

SDPB will present Eden with her prizes at a special awards ceremony later this year.