Tens of thousands of South Dakotans - young children, students, adults, parents, grandparents, teachers, seniors, voters and more - learn, dream and grow with SDPB. That’s a legacy worth thinking about.
As you plan your significant financial gifts, we hope you add the Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting to your list. A gift to the Friends of SDPB will enrich the lives of future generations.
The Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Just tell your financial or estate adviser to prepare the paperwork so you can arrange for a gift to the Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting; or direct your donor-advised charitable investment fund to make Friends of SDPB the beneficiary of your fund.
Program Funders recognize the importance of lifelong learning by providing support of $5,000 or more for locally produced programs. Call Ryan Howlett at 1-800-456-0556.