Activity 3: Creating Native American Resource Lists This activity gives students an opportunity to utilize the many Internet resources for and about Native American history, culture, and issues. Student will conduct Internet research to create bibliographies on Native American topics. The activity includes identification of research topics, evaluation of Internet resources and Web pages, compilation and organization of resources and information, and publication of a product for use in further classroom activities. This activity calls for students (individually or in small groups) to:
Topics: (Although students might address Native American topics in general, the project will be more beneficial, manageable, and accurate if they choose a specific Native American tribe for their research.)
Resources on evaluating Web sites: The following Internet resources are provided for your use in helping student evaluate Web pages: for Evaluating American Indian Web Sites website content. criteria for evaluating Web pages
Standards: Language Arts - Writing: Standard 4: Gathers and uses information for research purposes. Level 3
Level 4