Readhat major events led up to the conflict at Wounded Knee?
- Wounded
Knee site contains some first-hand accounts, related links and some
controversial information.
offer this interesting and helpful insight into the background and events
leading up to Wounded Knee from the perspective of people involved. Uses
direct PBS
Documentary The West: Lakota Accounts of the Massacre
at Wounded Knee: From the Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for
1891, volume 1, "Eyewitness"
account of the massacre at Wounded Knee
Print Resources:
- Brown, Dee, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (1971)
- Jensen, Richard, et. al, Eyewitness at Wounded Knee (1991)
- Utley, Robert M., The Last Days of the Sioux Nation (1963)
- Mooney, James, The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890
- F