Dear Educator,

On these pages you will find a variety of activities designed to help you use Lost Bird of Wounded Knee and other resources in the classroom. Viewing of Lost Bird of Wounded Knee with your students may be used as a springboard for these activities and the program will provide a background and stimulus for the suggested units of study. The activities have been developed for use with grades 7-12. Each activity includes:

  • Overview of the activity and its purpose
  • Description of the activity
  • Suggested resources
  • Standards correlations (Compiled from McREL standards documents.)

Related web links are provided throughout the description of the activity.

The activities are organized as follows:

  • Activities for Before and After Watching the Program
  • Activity 1: The Ghost Dance
  • Activity 2: Biography Board
  • Activity 3: Creating Native American Resource Lists
  • Activity 4: Addressing Stereotypes About Native Americans

Please take some time to look at the other sections of this web site. They will provide more detailed background information for using the activities and will give your students an excellent overall picture of the program prior to or after viewing Lost Bird of Wounded Knee.

For more information contact:

Sherri Blumer: Director, Educational Services
South Dakota Public Broadcasting
P.O. Box 5000
Vermillion, SD 57069-5000

(605) 677-6454