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Election 2010

Canidate Profile: Jerrod Johnson
Air Date: 10/29/2010

This week we're profiling some of the candidates for the statewide offices in Pierre.  Republican Jerrod Johnson is seeking a second term in Pierre as the South Dakota Commissioner of School and Public Lands.

By Charles Michael Ray

Jerrod Johnson is a fifth generation cattle rancher from Corson, South Dakota.  Four years ago he decided to run for the office of School and Public Lands.   Johnson says he wants to build on his successes by increasing revenue for wind and oil and gas leases on state lands.

"You know I have a good handle as to what the resources are and I think another four years I know I'd be able to increase the revenues," says Johnson.

The office for Commissioner of School and Public Lands was set up in the state constitution.  The Commissioner oversees 700 tthousand acres in school properties, 5.2 million acres of oil and gas rights  and a 153 million dollar permanent trust fund set aside for education.  Johnson says if elected he will continue fiscally conservative management.  He says he runs the smallest state agency with a budget of about a half million dollars.   Johnson says during his term, his office returned an average of 11-million dollars annually to education. 

"I want to continue increasing that 11- million dollars on average back to those the school kids - you know we're a good bargain for the state I think we're one of those agencies that make the state money," says Johnson. 

Republican Jerrod Johnson faces off against Democrat Bob Pille in the November Election.

Jerrod Johnson

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