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Election 2010

Canidate Profile: Bob Pille
Air Date: 10/29/2010

Today we have the last in our series profiling candidates for some of the state constitutional offices in Pierre.  Democrat Bob Pille is running for the office of School and Public Lands.

By Charles Michael Ray

Bob Pille was born and raised in Pine Ridge.  He's a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe.  Pille has previously worked for the Indian Health Service, and before that he owned a small business.  Pille was asked by the state Democratic Party to run for the office of Commissioner of School and Public Lands.

"My Grandfather always said if somebody asks you to do something at least give it a shot if somebody has some faith in you.  Which was kind of nice," says Pille.  

For the last five years Pille served as Environmental Protection Program Director for the Oglala Sioux Tribe.  He says his past experience makes him qualified for office.   

"As the tribes Environmental Protection Program Director we deal with a lot of different land issues/  I mean we're involved in an entire process of how to make sure we maintain the beneficial use of the land for our future generations as well but also be able to gain some revenue form the land as we have it now," says Pille.  

Pille says if elected he'll take an active roll in every day activities of the job.

"I would be more proactive, I'd actually be in the office I'd move myself to Pierre to be available on a continuous daily basis I'd also want to open up the books to show folks what we have and what's available for the public," says Pille.  

Democrat Bob Pille faces Republican Jerrod Johnson for the Office of South Dakota Commissioner of School and Public Lands.

Bob Pille

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