
Air Date: 08/18/2012
No Cover No Minimum Radio

This week, we're dipping into the No Cover No Minimum TV archives to bring you a performance by the band Solution. We semi-regularly share music from our TV show, but this time it's kind of unusual because the band Solution is no longer together. Based in Sioux Falls from 2005-2010, Solution was a funk-prog rock-jam band that had a short but successful career. In 2007 alone they played the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas; performed for American troops in the Middle East and were a part of Sioux Falls JazzFest. They released at least one full length album and one EP.

Member of the band are in other bands now - Trevor Anema is in the group Showbaby, drummer Charles Sanders II plays with several jazz groups in the Sioux Falls-Sioux City area and sits in with the blues band Indigenous, too. And keyboardist Jonathan Kelly is in the group Jazzed with Bobby Gripp.

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