Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade 1st
"When I Go To Grandma’s House"
M. Rose Steinmeyer - Aurora2nd
"A Night With the Animals" Sadie Stevens - Yankton3rd
"A Star In My Pocket"
Rachel Morford - Dakota Dunes
"Sugar Makes New Friends" Taylor Christian Marshall - Hitchcock2nd
"Hot and Cold"
Kendra Guerrero - Aberdeen3rd
"Louie the Leprechaun"
David A. Greff - Rapid City1st
"The Team That Couldn’t Win"
Hannah Marie Hoelscher - Hill City2nd
"How Crazy Horse Saved My Grandfather’s Life"
Andy Coy - Hill City3rd
"The Contest and the Beaver"
Gabe Steinmeyer - Aurora1st
"The Magical Sucker"
Natalie Kathol - Yankton2nd
"The Crash"
Anthony K. Jensen - Yankton3rd
"Muff’s Summer Vacation" Brandon Clement - Orient