Most should be available via libraries, bookstores and the Internet.
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, 1962
This classic book - foreseeing a bleak landscape devoid of insects and birds, and pointing out the harm of widely used chemicals to humans - shocked the world. Carsons book was instrumental in igniting the environmental movement and inspiring restrictions on pesticides and herbicides in North America and Europe.
Beyond Silent Spring by David B. Peakall, 1996
This book looks at the issues raised by "Silent Spring" some 30 years later.
Peregrine Falcons by Candace Sherk Savage; foreword by Adrian Forsyth, 1993
The book tells the story of the decline and the recovery of the falcon population and urges readers to be guardians for wild species.
Life Histories of North American Birds of Prey, Parts I and II by A.C. Bent, 1961
An encyclopedic collection of information about more than a hundred different subspecies of hawks, eagles, falcons, buzzards, condors, and owls.
Hawks, Eagles, & Falcons of North America by P.A. Johnsgard, 1990
A comprehensive review of 31 species of raptors that breed in the U.S. and Canada.
North American Falconry & Hunting Hawks by Frank Lyman Beebe and Harold Melvin Webster, 1964, reprinted with updated information, 1994.
The all-inclusive guide to the sport of falconry covers everything from diet to training to selection and more.
Books by Dan OBrien
Spirit of the Hills, 1986
OBrien also wrote a screenplay for Steven Spielberg based on this fictional tale of mayhem and murder.
Eminent Domain, 1987
This collection of short stories won the Iowa School of Letters Short Fiction Award.
Rites of Autumn : A Falconer's Journey Across the American West, 1988
The author tells of his journey from Montana to the Gulf along with a peregrine falcon he has trained.
In the Center of the Nation, 1991
Nature is the real protagonist in this fiction novel about the turbulent lives of ranchers in South Dakota.
Brendan Prairie, 1996
This fiction novel blends falconry, environmentalism and romance with the spectacular South Dakota plains and hills.
Equinox : Life, Love, and Birds of Prey, 1997
The author tells the story of his experiences with falconry in South Dakota, wrapped around the joys and agonies of his personal life.